Service quality

Service quality

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Mystery of the Missing Wow!

Why it's difficult to find delightful experiences or even just good service out there?

There are hundreds of posters on company walls with quotes on the customer and how they should focus on them but very few act on them.


Here are several possible reasons:
  1. Never experienced it before - positive experiences are not painted for them and they are not trained to recognise them and deliver them. If they have not had the chance to experience what it feels like to be delighted as a customer, they would not know.
  2. Leadership focus - leaders should see connecting not delighting the customers as a necessary focus in order to grow the business. Resources should therefore be channelled to the right places. Training and equipment that will help deliver a positive experience to the customers will be a better investment.
  3. Leaders not walking the talk - some leaders do tell all staff members that the customer is important and they should always put the customers' wants and needs first, but they may not act accordingly themselves.
  4. Measures differently - many companies that preach that the customer is the most important being and that staff members must go to great lengths to please or delight the customers, but they measure staff members against all other indicators that are not related to the customer.
  5. Many service staff don't have basic manners themselves - often it's not about 'service' or an 'experience'; it's just plain manners!
  6. The "What's in it for me?" culture - a culture that calculates what we put in and expects the same or even more in return, we will be sorely disappointed. A true blue customer-focused person is a true giver-one who gives more and expect less.
  7. Perception of the people - organisations focuses on getting its people equipped with what is necessary to deliver the positive experience and at the end of the day, appreciates their hard work and efforts and rewards them accordingly is necessary too. 

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