No matter what company you work for or what exactly you do, you are engaged in the very important matter of serving your customers to the best of your ability. When I comes to service, no truth is too small to be careless about.
If you do not know the truth about what your customer need and want, think and feel, you will not make he right decisions about serving them. Yet many organisations fail to make a priority of seeking out the truth. They prefer to spend their days in wilful ignorance, basking in the conviction that they know everything there is to know about their customers. Finding the truth is not always comfortable, because it can have sharp edges. But if you don't know about those sharp edges, they will cut you when you lest expect it. You will see the blood on the bottom line when your customers run for the hills.
One reason you have to dig for the truth, rather than expect it to come to you, is that people don't like to rock he boat. True, some customers are quick to complain when they are unsatisfied; these are the ones who stand out. But what about all the ones who don't complain because they are too timid or simply because they are nice people who don't want to get anyone in trouble? In fact most customers would prefer to settle for less-than-perfect service rather that get into a confrontation or spend their valuable time hassling, and they won't make the truth known unless something really egregious or costly occurs.
Oscar Wilde once said that "the pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple." That's why we need to work hard to discern the reality beneath the facts, whether it's in regard to your personal relationships, public affairs, or business. That's a good route to follow when it comes to customer service. The real truth is what the customers genuinely feel, not what you or your employees think they feel.
Find your own facts and not just listen to one sided story. Remember this. It can be applied in your daily life too.
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